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Our family is so grateful for the many friends we made over the decades of Dad's ministry. Every church Dad preached at opened a door for us to meet some truly amazing people in various parts of the country. To those who supported his ministry while he was alive, we thank you. And to those who supported our family and loved on us when Dad graduated to Heaven, we thank you for that too. Of course, God's GRACE carried us through losing our hero, but your kindness in those times made the journey a little bit easier. 

If Dad's ministry made a difference in your life, we would LOVE to hear about it. So many have already shared their stories about how Dad helped them to come to Christ or perhaps inspired them to go into full time ministry. We CHERISH those stories and can't get enough of them!

If you have a story to share, or would just like to send a word of encouragement to Linda and the girls, please do so. We would love to hear from you!  Please send mail through Linda with the contact information below:


Linda Pittman

c/o Grand Strand Baptist Church

350 Hospitality Lane

Myrtle Beach, SC 29579






This site was compiled by us, Pastor Pittman's daughters, in an effort to share our favorite sermons with friends/family and to hopefully pass on encouragement to those who need it most. Though he is gone on this earth, he will live in our hearts forever and we look forward to the day when we will see him again.

We love you, Dad!

Love, Teresa, Cindy (his favorite) & Crissy <3


2017 The Pittman Family

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